By submitting this form, I do confirm to have read and agree with the following terms and conditions:
I hereby confirm that the information provided in this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and information. I understand that false information will invalidate this application and I further authorize Pan-African Shield College Africa or their appointed agents to obtain and verify the information concerned in this application with any schools, Colleges, Universities, employers or any other relevant bodies as part of the due diligence process. I understand that Pan-African Shield College Africa reserves the rights to reject the application at their sole discretion without stating any reasons to me. I am fully aware that the fee paid towards this course is non-refundable and Pan-African Shield College Africa has its prerogative authority for any special consideration at its sole discretion. If I wish to discontinue the course after registration, for any reason whatsoever, apart from stated above, the fee paid will be forfeited and not refunded under any circumstances.I further agree that Pan-African Shield College Africa reserves the right to store the information of the students made through this application and also reserves the right to share this data with relevant bodies and to use it appropriately for various communications as per the discretion of Pan-African Shield College. Pan-African Shield College Africa provides regulated and non-regulated courses and I confirm I have carried out independent evaluation of the status of its accreditation/recognition and therefore I am fully satisfied to accept the same for the course I have applied for. Pan-African Shield College Africa operates with certain approvals and accreditations as declared in their website and course brochures and does not come necessarily under the purview of the local regulating bodies and will not be responsible for any sorts of approval, recognition status and equivalencies from local or internationally relevant accreditation bodies and government agencies in the respective countries where students pursue this course and further I agree that the these conditions may be subject to change as per the evolving situations. Pan-African Shield College Africa is responsible for delivering these courses through different mediums and modes.I further understand that as a student who wishes to enroll for the selected course, I am expected to confirm the regional accreditation status such as National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), World Certification Institute (WCI) or any other relevant bodies of their respective countries prior to enrolling to the course. By signing the application form, I agree to abide with the rules and regulations of Pan-African Shield College Africa provided in and student hand book wherever applicable. I further undertake to pay the fee on my due dates without any failure, if I have been granted admission to the course applied for. The admission to the courses, University progressions are further subject to the terms and condition of the respective Universities and Awarding bodies and may be subject to change. Pan-African Shield College Africa will not be responsible or liable to such changes which may occur in future.