Pan-African Shield College is a duly registered institution in Kenya, offering capacity building and education services for both individuals and organizations. Our courses are accredited by Ministry of Education Training and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA), Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA), National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) and World Certification Institute (WCI). Pan- African Shield College has been accredited as private security training institution and duly licensed as corporate private security training institution in Kenya.

Welcome to Pan-African Shield College . We pride ourselves in our ability to deliver exceptional capacity building services with impactful outcomes. Individuals enrolled with us will receive opportunities to enhance their skills, knowledge and competencies . They will obtain their certifications in diverse areas offered by Pan-African Shield College headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, and its strategic partners throughout the globe.
Join us and experience what Pan-African Shield College and its partners can do for you!